Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Baby Sheeps & Buggy Buds

"...He has made everything beautiful in its time..." Ecclesiastes 3:11a
Fall is one of our favorite seasons. Cooler weather, beautiful colors, happy sheeps, getting gardens ready for a long winter's nap...

Digory is just like his papa. The stable makes an excellent scratchin' post...

The Unsteady Six. Mama's three newest lambs in the background. Annabelle's babies in front.
All a little suspicious of the crazy camera lady...
Meanwhile, Eva, Eustace, Ezzy, & Edie are all clamoring at my knees for cuddles, ear scratchin's, and treats.
and trying to eat the camera.

Eustace is trying to explain to Evie that the camera is 'not so scary.' 'in fact, it's rather tasty.'
...as I'm trying to wipe his slobber off my uber expensive lense...

Monday, October 20, 2014

Gus & The Not-So-Fast-Chicken-Nuggets

Gus was very interested in the chicks that we brought home a couple of weeks ago. 
It's a good thing that these darling little handfuls of fluffy down turn into ugly and fat birds.

Saving Birds & Shawl Knitting

It's always something new around here... Chaos was trying to eat this little one through the tayberry netting in the garden. Poor little dove had wandered into a seeming paradise, discovered it was berry-less and realized he was trapped. I've never held a dove before. His poor heart was all a flutter, and I'm sure that he was terrified of us, 'unwinged'-large-bird-eating-monsters that we are.

After Farm Days, a lady asked me to make a shawl for a family member for a Christmas gift. 
So, I dyed some handspun Elijah, and began to cast on stitches...