Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Day of Sunshine

I went 'wild plum' picking today. We have a bit of a ridge full of wild plum trees. In the past we have collected some plums and when a good harvest permits, we make jam. 
I had a better idea this year...

I brought home this not-quite-bushel-full home and got to work. 
Washing, boiling, mashing, cooking down, straining, 
and more straining.
I thought I'd try to dye some yarn with the beautiful reddish pink that these plums produce when sufficiently mashed.
3 words.
Silly me. When you splice open a plum, it's middle is a pale yellow.
So, I achieved a pale yellow yarn.
2 words.
Lesson learned.

I spent some time with the sheep.
They got a new water bucket. The past few afternoons when I've gone out to check on everyone, the water has been a wee bit low. or just not there.
Cora thinks she looks especially spiffy next to it.
Aliyah and Clara have water wars about who can drink the most when I fill it up. 
Annabelle and the boys, well, they couldn't care less.
So much for adding some excitement to a sheep's life.

"Oh, you're taking pretty pictures of the water? Well, let me help."

"A little more nose perhaps?"

"How 'bout some ear?"

Cora's beautiful curls!

Cora, trying to eat the camera, nuzzle into my hair, get some attention. 
